the best birthday wishes ever..
don't get me wrong. today is not my birthday.
i just find out this co0l video from youtube..
hope u guys can enjoy this co0l arrangement of 'Happy Birthday' song..
I wish i can play like this( in my dream =.=")
No Limits
Sunday, November 13, 2011
quote of the day
Saturday, November 12, 2011
eating disorder
im officially having a very serious eating disorder.
ok, I might be exaggerated. but lately i find out that im not taking seriously about my meal. the thing is i always skip my lunch or dinner..basically just take 1 meal per-day..n sometimes i didn't take any fo0d at one day.. myb for girls, its a normal thing for having a so-called diet.. but honestly, i dont think it is necessarily for me to do sort of diet since i am in a g0od shape(err, forget the excess fat at my tummy. =P)..
ok, back to the topic, what makes me worry is, if this habit keep on repeating for several months or years, im afraid that i will someday suffer for gastric (gastritis in medical term).. since my dad have this kind of disease for the past 5 years. why not i will inherit the same gene.. sigh~ furthermore, my stomach is always not as fit as normal person have.. not to mention i am a 'lactose-intolerance' person.. n i will simply got diarrhea once in a month..pity for me, because i am a milk or milky-based lover.. so, i can't resist myself to eat dairy product.. T_T
also,due to stressful of examination n assignment, i always got this kind of 'sudden sakit-perut'.. im afraid that it is a sign for me to get gastritis. actually, for the past 3 years in jakarta, i'd suffer from this sickness...
caffein is also not got for gastritis person. especially if u taking a cup of highly caffein coffe when ur stomach is empty.. and im a coffe lover. and i did drink lots of coffe lately..(i want Starbucks caramel frap NOW!!!!!!)... this bad habit cannot be helped.. im craving for more and more.. ^_^
what more can i say,.hope i can get balance diet, life as healthy as i can n not skip my meal.. plus, next week im gonna hit the gym back after several months stop.. need to prepare myself physically and mentally before start my clinical year...
...hope for the best in my study and life,. til then, all the best to my dearest friend.. =)
ok, I might be exaggerated. but lately i find out that im not taking seriously about my meal. the thing is i always skip my lunch or dinner..basically just take 1 meal per-day..n sometimes i didn't take any fo0d at one day.. myb for girls, its a normal thing for having a so-called diet.. but honestly, i dont think it is necessarily for me to do sort of diet since i am in a g0od shape(err, forget the excess fat at my tummy. =P)..
ok, back to the topic, what makes me worry is, if this habit keep on repeating for several months or years, im afraid that i will someday suffer for gastric (gastritis in medical term).. since my dad have this kind of disease for the past 5 years. why not i will inherit the same gene.. sigh~ furthermore, my stomach is always not as fit as normal person have.. not to mention i am a 'lactose-intolerance' person.. n i will simply got diarrhea once in a month..pity for me, because i am a milk or milky-based lover.. so, i can't resist myself to eat dairy product.. T_T
also,due to stressful of examination n assignment, i always got this kind of 'sudden sakit-perut'.. im afraid that it is a sign for me to get gastritis. actually, for the past 3 years in jakarta, i'd suffer from this sickness...
caffein is also not got for gastritis person. especially if u taking a cup of highly caffein coffe when ur stomach is empty.. and im a coffe lover. and i did drink lots of coffe lately..(i want Starbucks caramel frap NOW!!!!!!)... this bad habit cannot be helped.. im craving for more and more.. ^_^
what more can i say,.hope i can get balance diet, life as healthy as i can n not skip my meal.. plus, next week im gonna hit the gym back after several months stop.. need to prepare myself physically and mentally before start my clinical year...
...hope for the best in my study and life,. til then, all the best to my dearest friend.. =)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
start a new journey..
>i am officially a 4th year medical student..
>basically this is the last semester before i start my clicinal posting.
>sorry for not updating my blog for quite a long time.
>but now i did realize that i have to keep this blog active.
>next post will be uploaded so0n.. stay tuned~ =)
>basically this is the last semester before i start my clicinal posting.
>sorry for not updating my blog for quite a long time.
>but now i did realize that i have to keep this blog active.
>next post will be uploaded so0n.. stay tuned~ =)
Monday, March 7, 2011
libur..libur.. lililiburrr!!!
satu perkataan x asing lagi bagi student yg blajo kt indon..
hehe.. LIBUR!!!
bg anda yg belum tahu libur ni mksdnye holiday or cuti la..
so, nak habaq mai ni.. skrg cheq tgh cuti.. actually last paper ari2 4/3.. tp baru skrg berkesempatan utk update blog..muahahahaha..
alhamdulillah selesai sudah short sem slama 2 weeks.. harap2 usaha membuahkan hasil, n result yg cemerlang akan diperoleh..
skrg cuti yg masih berbaki lebih kurg smggu ni ape nak buat??
any suggestion guys?
i was thinking about going for a vacation..perhaps BALI..
but when it comes to lack of budgets,, terpaksa la lupakan hasrat murni tu (ade spe2 nak bg rp. 2 juta kt aku x?? huhu)
then, terpaksa la decide utk ddk rumah je.. study ke.. ape ke, masak ape2 yg sedap..
tp still plan nak keluar dari hiruk-pikuk kota jakarta ni.. myb pegi balik hari je kot ke bogor or bandung, tgk la mcm mne..
ble fikir2 balik ade hikmah jgk cuti n x buat ape2.. at least boleh jgk belek2 buku mata ni... since block dpn mmg killer, kne la start awal.. yip2.. smgt!! harap2 smgt tu xpadam dgn sekelip mata...
n.. opss,, baru teringat..
hari ni kot rsenye result sem 5 akan kluar... fuhhh.. cuak2.. harap2 semua block lls dgn jayanya.. x harapkan cemerlang, sbb mmg tau x brp nak ok sgt,, dapat lulus pn syukur sgt2 dah.. sbb kalau nak repeat kne byr sndiri.. 1 block=rm 1000, 4 block= rm4000.. mana wa nak cikau duit maa,, elaun sbulan pn rm1000 je... huhuhu...
ok, abaikan psl study,, berbalik cerita td..
harap2 aku dpt manfaatkan cuti dgn sebaiknya..
smbung2 tls byk2 lagi enrty yg bermanfaat kt blog ni(sorry, entry kali ni x berpaedoh sgt.. haha)..
ok.. buhbye...

- satu hari pasti akan ke sana -
hehe.. LIBUR!!!
bg anda yg belum tahu libur ni mksdnye holiday or cuti la..
so, nak habaq mai ni.. skrg cheq tgh cuti.. actually last paper ari2 4/3.. tp baru skrg berkesempatan utk update blog..muahahahaha..
alhamdulillah selesai sudah short sem slama 2 weeks.. harap2 usaha membuahkan hasil, n result yg cemerlang akan diperoleh..
skrg cuti yg masih berbaki lebih kurg smggu ni ape nak buat??
any suggestion guys?
i was thinking about going for a vacation..perhaps BALI..
but when it comes to lack of budgets,, terpaksa la lupakan hasrat murni tu (ade spe2 nak bg rp. 2 juta kt aku x?? huhu)
then, terpaksa la decide utk ddk rumah je.. study ke.. ape ke, masak ape2 yg sedap..
tp still plan nak keluar dari hiruk-pikuk kota jakarta ni.. myb pegi balik hari je kot ke bogor or bandung, tgk la mcm mne..
ble fikir2 balik ade hikmah jgk cuti n x buat ape2.. at least boleh jgk belek2 buku mata ni... since block dpn mmg killer, kne la start awal.. yip2.. smgt!! harap2 smgt tu xpadam dgn sekelip mata...
n.. opss,, baru teringat..
hari ni kot rsenye result sem 5 akan kluar... fuhhh.. cuak2.. harap2 semua block lls dgn jayanya.. x harapkan cemerlang, sbb mmg tau x brp nak ok sgt,, dapat lulus pn syukur sgt2 dah.. sbb kalau nak repeat kne byr sndiri.. 1 block=rm 1000, 4 block= rm4000.. mana wa nak cikau duit maa,, elaun sbulan pn rm1000 je... huhuhu...
ok, abaikan psl study,, berbalik cerita td..
harap2 aku dpt manfaatkan cuti dgn sebaiknya..
smbung2 tls byk2 lagi enrty yg bermanfaat kt blog ni(sorry, entry kali ni x berpaedoh sgt.. haha)..
ok.. buhbye...

- satu hari pasti akan ke sana -
Thursday, February 10, 2011
15 hours left...
aku sungguh penat
penat sungguh aku
sugguh aku penat
penat aku sungguh
sungguh penat aku
aku penat sungguh
esok exam final utk block neurology n behaviour science..
merangkap exam last utk semester 5..
rasa penat smpi skapula rasa nak tercabut.. hoh0~
just hope n pray for the best..
go0d luck utk semua generasi 08'
'do the best', bak kata dr wani.. hehe..
penat sungguh aku
sugguh aku penat
penat aku sungguh
sungguh penat aku
aku penat sungguh
esok exam final utk block neurology n behaviour science..
merangkap exam last utk semester 5..
rasa penat smpi skapula rasa nak tercabut.. hoh0~
just hope n pray for the best..
go0d luck utk semua generasi 08'
'do the best', bak kata dr wani.. hehe..
Sunday, February 6, 2011
blok sakit jiwa

bagi yg belum tahu, skrg ni gua(bajet ganas la pakai gua.haha)tgh belajar blok 22-neurology n behaviour science.. humm, such a tough block..sedar x sedar dah 21 modul berjaya dikhatamkan.. tgk ketebalan modul yg mcm yelllow pages tu pn boleh agak kan.. tahap kesukarannya.. in this block, we learned so many topics such as:
- psychiatry
- neurology
- pharmacology
- pediatric
- pathology
- radiology
- surgery
- microbiology
- clinical pathology
3 main subject: psyc, neuro n pharmaco..
utk psychiatry mcm biasa la.learn about masalah kejiwaan.. perihal org2 sakit jiwa,.alzheimer, scizophrenia, n byk lagi.. its a tough subject, but im kinda like it.. tp sbb terlalu byk, sometimes makes me confuse to differentiate one n another disease..
the next killer subject is neuro.. kalau sem 2, blajar physiology n anatomy serta histology bagi otak2 n sistem saraf.. now pasal pathology plak.. mmg la sangat byk penyakit2 saraf ni rupenye.. daripada degenerative disease, kpd movement disorder, kpd masalah spinal cord, dan byk2 lagi(terus rasa mcm x sanggup nak further specialist neuro..hohoh0).. kalau nak senaraikan almost 50 disease yg kne kuasai..Allah yusahhil~..
utk pharmaco plak, drugs nye sgt2 la byk..antipsikotik,antianxietas, neurotropic n neurotonic,anticonvulsion, antiparkinson..n byk lg drugs2 utk each disease.. tenang bad. tenang.. huhu..

belum masuk subject lain lg, walaupun bahan utk subject lain x sebanyak 3 diatas, kne cover kesemuanya sbb exam integrated, so, xleh tggl 1 pn..huhu..(F.Y.I, exam hari jumaat nnt.. harap2 semua berjalan lancar, dipermudahkan usaha kami..)

tp tu la lumrah student medic, jgn salahkan waktu yg x sempat, waktu ckup 24/7 utk semua org, so, kne pandai2 la nak bagi2 masa kan(wlupun aku byk tido je,haha).. doakan aku lulus block ni ye sahabat2 sekalian.. inshaallah, ill do my very best,.. akan ku doakan kejayaan kalian jgk.. aminnn...
ok, gua nak smbung study balik.. ALL THE BEST UTK BLOCK TERAKHIR DLM SEM 5 ni.. chaiyyok2..jgn dok chaiyyak la wey!!!..ok full stop..
last but not least.. *nak promote meja study gua la..hehe*

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